₦892.50 / pcs

Total: ₦892.50


LONART BY 24: A Dependable Ally in Your Fight Against Malaria

LONART BY 24 is a potent antimalarial medication, combining the power of artemether and lumefantrine. This combination interferes with the growth of parasites within the red blood cells, preventing malaria's development and spread.

Understanding Lonart Tablet

Lonart by 24 tablets contain a strategic blend of artemether and lumefantrine, both renowned for their antimalarial properties. The two active ingredients work together, hindering the growth of the Plasmodium parasites responsible for malaria in the human body.

Lonart for Children

Lonart By 24 is a suitable medication for children under the right circumstances and with the appropriate dosage. However, like with any medication, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before administering to ensure the correct dosage and to monitor potential side effects.

How to Use Lonart By 24

Lonart By 24 should be taken as directed by your healthcare provider. Usually, the tablets are taken with food or a milky drink, which helps with the absorption of the medication. The dosing regimen typically spans three days, with doses given at 0, 8, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hours. Always remember to complete the full course of the medication, even if you start to feel better, to ensure the complete eradication of the malaria parasites.

Requires prescription yes